
This is Daisy speaking <3. Isn't this a lovely layout? It's the result of a collab by me and Amalia ~. It's for Kokun's collab contest. We had to use Full Moon Wo Sagashite~ So we did. It looks pretty nice, doesn't it? I love Arina Tanemura's art <3.

Daisy's : The main image, the css (including headers and coding the navigation area), a bit of work on the coding / editing stuff, one avatar, the validating of the coding. Oh. And adding the credits :3.

Amalia's Work : Making minor adjustments to my image (mainly colours), adding a content area and a footer (which I entirely forgot), coding the layout and the navigation boxies - graphics, textured boxes+quote, two avatars and the buttons.

link Bold Italics Underline

This layout has gone back and forth several times. O__o. I'm currently doing the last few 'editations'. Collab sure is tiring, but it might be faster than working alone :3.

Alright, here are a few practical details:

The big header on top is H1, the smaller one below is h2~

The brushes used in this layout are from Angelic Trust, Brusheezy and Uchiki. The validator used is from w3. The image is from the Aethereality Gallery, and the fonts are from Dafont.  The box-sizing codes are from quirksmode (the moz boxes show up as an error in validation, since it claims they 'don't exist'. But they do work - it's the only way to keep some stuff from looking messed up in Mozilla Firefox. So I kept them.).

All resources and such used are credited on the bottom of the layout - please don't remove those!

-This layout was coded in HTML 4.01 Transitional, and in CSS level 3 ~

I'm streching this box
so you can see the pretty background
~ Amalia
xx xxx


Haven't we done the most awsome job on this layout? I couldn't imagine it being any more perfect, I totally love it. Yes as you can guess this has gone back and forth and landed on me, Amalia again. I thought I should add the extras now. Following the rubric Kate, we're in it to win it after all!
Here are the buttonss :P All taken from the top image hehe

First Button Third Button Fifth Button
Fourth Button Second Button Sixth Button

...And here are the avatars

Remember me? mistuki THIS ONES YELLOW =D Daisy's Avatar By Daisy ~

I'm sure you'll love using them.


Layout by : Adorabubble and Saturdaisy
Resources : X,X,X, X and X

Downloaded @ Celestial-Star

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional